liest ?ark,Tj.Y. May

Dear Mrs. Patten,

Several days before your letter cane I had made up my mind I could not go to sVashing- ton this spring, 80 I am not put out by the condition of your domestic affairs, though I should like much to see you, all.

I am not very well and shrink from the thought of any long journey at this tim6.k.ayb6,as you sug- gest,! can go in the fall, in October. V’e expect to go to California again in the --.’inter, starting probably in November.

I ?.m inclosing a, copy of "’ailing” for you. I am sorry #8 hc^ve not a better paper on 'fhich to v rite it, and are not vhere %e can get any.

I a-ish I were going to Maine this summer as i did a fe years ago, but the probabilities are I shall stay at '.ooc chuck Lodge.

I have explained somev»;here in my books the rooins assault the ivindov's in the ?.'s,y you describe. I have seen them do it many times. They see therr .o¥«n ima-ges reflected there and suppose they are fighting a is only .against Kindo;-;s that look into a darkened room that they do this. If you will ,.ut up something -.-hite against the v indo-v on the ins l4^vou will see t t the tXS sault will cease.

Affectionate regards to you all.

Your friend.

y*vc "■ "X. / t-O
